Author: Hagenbuch

Hidlay Church Cemetery Detail 0

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Soldier Sons: Part 3

Think of it: a family of soldiers. Four brothers who were serving their state of Pennsylvania and also serving their country which had only just adopted the name of the “United States of America.”...

The Soldiers Return by Bryant White 3

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Soldier Sons: Part 2

Andreas Hagenbuch acted as an example for his sons by providing military service to early America. Not only did Andreas provide patriotic service during the Revolutionary War, he also had a history of providing...

Close up Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur 1

Dating Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

Dating historic documents can be challenging. Indeed, from the moment the Taufschein Fraktur of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch (b. 1754, d. 1825) was discovered, there were numerous questions about when it was created. On the...

Early 19th Century Kitchen Detail 0

Thoughts on Jacob Hagenbuch’s Estate Inventory

Jacob Hagenbuch died in 1842 at the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He left no will, forcing a local judge to order that his entire estate be inventoried. The contents of...

Jacob Hagenbuch Inventory 1842 0

Inventory of Jacob Hagenbuch’s Estate

Jacob Hagenbuch died in 1842 in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1777 and inherited the family homestead from his father, Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1746, d. 1809), who had received the...

Friends of Oscar Foust, c. 1900 0

Exploring Photos from the Bibby-Foust Collection

A previous article discussed photographs from the Tilman and Mary Ann “Hagenbuch” Foust family collected by Ethel Bibby. The Foust family lived in Milton, Pennsylvania. Mary Ann “Hagenbuch” Foust was born in 1842. Her...

Kutztown Jumbles Cooling Detail 0

Making Jumbles, a Deitsch Cookie Recipe

Cooking together has always been an important activity for Pennsylvania Deitsch families like the Hagenbuchs. This is especially apparent during the Christmas holiday, when candies, cookies, and sweet treats are prepared in order to...

John & Emma "Hagenbuch" Reichard Farm 1895 Detail 1

Old Time Christmas in a Country Home

This story was shared in the December, 1983 issue of the “Beech Grove.” It first appeared in the “Lancaster County Guardian” in January, 1871 and was included with other folk culture stories by Alfred...