Author: Andrew Hagenbuch

1950 Census Enumerator Virginia Detail 4

First Thoughts on the 1950 Census

April 1, 2022 marked an important occasion for genealogists—and, no, it had nothing to do with April Fools’ Day! On this day, family historians celebrated the release of the 1950 United States Census records,...

Charles W. Hagenbaugh Gravestone Detail 3

Stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh, Part 2

What happens when we cannot find the right spot to place one of our ancestors on our family tree? The first part in this series described one such case—that of Charles William Hagenbaugh—and traced...

Train Engineer Oil Can Detail 1900 2

Stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh, Part 1

Right now I am stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh—not in the romantic sense—but definitely in a genealogical way! I cannot find enough evidence to be certain of where to place him on our Hagenbuch...