Author: Andrew Hagenbuch

Mummeli Glazing 4

Traditional Gingerbread Men: Mummeli

Each Christmas, my wife Sara and I prepare cards and treats for the various family members we will see during the holiday season. This tradition encourages us to spend time together and allows us...

Making Handmade Christmas Cards Detail 0

Handmade Christmas Cards

For the last decade, my wife Sara and I have made it part of our holiday traditions to handmake some of our own Christmas cards. The first year or two, I found the process...

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A New Leaf on the Family Tree

Occasionally, I ponder what Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715, d. 1785) would think of his extensive family tree. During his lifetime, Andreas knew his children and some of his grand children. How might he react...

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Digging Up a Headless Hagenbuch

Our Halloween story begins with a newspaper article published on March 28, 1879 in The Colombian. It reads as follows: INVESTIGATING THE DEAD For some days past rumors of a most extravagant nature, concerning...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch 2019 Detail 5

Five Years On

Earlier this year, I was telling someone about a few of the articles that had been published on Their response: How much can you write about one family? Well, according to our most...

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Cemetery Cleanup Day 2019

Last week, several Hagenbuchs made the journey to the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, to clean up the family cemetery there. The cleanup has become a yearly tradition, and the group...

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The Paintings of William L. Hagenbaugh

The Hagenbuch family tree is full of interesting characters—one of whom is William Louis Hagenbaugh (b. 1878, d. 1943). Several articles have been written about how William’s family migrated to northern California in the...

Salome Hagenbuch, Howard Frey, 1917 0

Article Updates and Corrections

With some regularity, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I stumble upon new information or other corrections to our articles. Sometimes these are substantial enough to warrant writing an entirely new piece. However, more often...