Hagenbuch Coat of Arms Revisited

Hagenbuch Stained Glass Detail
Detail from a stained glass window from 1674 featuring symbols of the Hagenbuch family

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1 Response

  1. Derrick Hagemann says:

    How did you find out who the coat of arms had last been issued to or when last issued? Was it the German wappen-museum that was able to give you that information?
    I found a coat of arms drawing with my family name on it in with a genealogy book we have of our family from the generation before the one that came to America from Germany. So trying to figure out if a decanted of mine was issued it but not sure how to find that information.
    Not sure if your aware but Hagenbuch and Hagemann surname is Hagen which has an unbelievable history in medieval Germany nobility. Having many members connecting to emperors and kings of Germany, Netherlands, Sweden.
    Well any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

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